Saturday, October 8, 2011

Beyond the Booing, What Santorum Said about DADT

Brian Baker is not only a brilliant advocate for LGBT equality he’s the Dean of the Episcopal Cathedral in Sacramento and (wait for it …) a WEST POINT GRAD. Her'es his spot on take on the inability of Republican candidates to confornt the booing of a gay serviceman who called in from Iraq:

Stephen Hill, a gay soldier in Iraq, asked Rick Santorum, via video, if he would repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell if he became president. Some people in the audience booed the soldier. The booing has received a great deal of press. People were rightly horrified at the disrespect shown a soldier deployed on our behalf. Some folks are upset over the lack of response from the politicians in the debate. Others point out that it was only a few people who booed and that they were quickly shut down by other audience members. But nobody seems to be talking about what Rick Santorum actually said to the soldier — a soldier who was obviously nervous in asking the question on national television.

I think Santorum’s answer displays shocking ignorance of the pain DADT has caused, and even ignorance of what DADT was. His answer may be as disrespectful as the booing about which people are so concerned. Here’s my transcription of his response: MORE

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