Friday, November 4, 2011

Murdering St Paul's Cathedral

George Pitcher has an interesting explanation of why things went so terribly wrong when St. Paul's Cathedral in the UK first tried to deal with the issue of Occupy London of its doorstep. His church,  St Bride’s, stands at the foot of Ludgate Hill, perhaps 500 yards from the camp. The distinctive tower of St. Bride's - the Cathedral of Fleet Street - is at left. He lists a series of mistakes St. Paul's made and then details how the current Bishop of London Dr. Richard Chartes has started to sort things out.

"Dr Chartres is a man that most organisations under bombardment would want in their trench. He is battle-hardened in crisis management. When the terrorist bombs exploded in London on July 7 2005, he had clergy heading against the flow of evacuees and into the crime scenes to open churches as marshalling points for the emergency services," Pitchard writes. It is a jolly good read here at the UK's Telegraph   

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