Saturday, September 17, 2011

Prop 8 Broadway Play Readies For Debut

"This was the first time I've ever seen our case argued by the most capable lawyers in the world, in a court of law where the other side had to raise their right hand and swear to tell the truth," Black says. "That is where, I think, for the first time, we in the gay and lesbian movement found sanity in the debate about who we are."
There was only one problem – few people could see the trial. Proposition 8 backers had succeeded in getting the U.S. Supreme Court to bar broadcast of the trial. Only a transcript would be available.
"It killed me to think that this would only live inside this courtroom for the dozens to see and not the country to see," Black says. "It killed me and I think it killed all of us in the room. We immediately started trying to figure out, `How do we get this truth out there?"
The answer will be seen next week when Black unveils the play "8," based on what happened at the trial. A one-night-only staged reading on Broadway has already attracted an all-star cast including Morgan Freeman, Anthony Edwards, John Lithgow, Christine Lahti, Rob Reiner, Larry Kramer and Marisa Tome MORE

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