Friday, May 15, 2015

Denial of Baptism in the 21st century to a baby with two Dads? No, just a postponement .....

In last Sunday's sacred text, St. Peter asks: "Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?" And the answer in one Florida cathedral seemed to be: "Yeah, we can imagine denying baptism to a beautiful baby boy just because he has two Dads." Then the Bishop stepped in and met with the Dads, after which it appears the baby will be baptized shortly. 

Just as the story started to die down, a canon at the now infamous cathedral preached: "the scandal is how the real story was highjacked by social media activists on the West Coast." As the President of Oasis California, I am please that my online work and letter to the bishop did not go unappreciated. Now I am working up to becoming recognized as an "outside agitator" for diversity.

Fr. Tom Jackson 

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