Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Help the Boy Scouts find their way to stop discrimination

Dear Oasis California Members and Friends:

I am an Eagle Scout for Justice. That is why I am asking you to oppose the discriminatory policies of the Boy Scouts of America that allowed them to remove a successful scout leader and mother, Jennifer Tyrrell, from her post when she raised concerns about improprieties in the finances of her local troop. Jennifer stood up for equality and so have I and so should you.

All you have to do to start is go to’s petition drive to tell the BSA to stop teaching our kids it is OK to discriminate against people just because they are LGBT. So farmore than 275,000 American have signed: please add your signature today! says it is time for the Boy Scouts of America to reconsider its policy of exclusivity against gay youth and leaders – and The General Convention of the Episcopal Church agreed in way back in the year 2000 when it passed Resolution C031 which included the resolve: "encourage the Boy Scouts of America to allow membership to youth and adult leaders irrespective of their sexual orientation;"

Please take action for justice for our families today! Let the Boy Scouts know that as an Episcopalian you stand for equality!

The Rev. Thomas C. Jackson
President, Oasis California

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