Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Gay Adult: Calling Ourselves Into Being - A Day of Inter-generational Dialogue Set for 2/26 in LA

A groundbreaking community-wide event The Gay Adult: Calling Ourselves Into Being - A Day of Inter-generational Dialogue is set for Feb. 26, 2011 in The Renberg Theater at The Village, Ed Gould Plaza, Los Angeles, California.

Sponsored by 100 Gay Men, the session seeks to explore, clarify and expand the role of gay adults to create a more vibrant, consciously empowered community, a primary goal of this event is to reinvigorate gay community involvement across generations by creating fresh opportunities for meaningful community action. Through highly interactive dialogue and collaboration among youth, adults, and elders, the day's activities will focus on re-imagining the role of gay adults as a potent, positive force in the gay community. The event will culminate in a ceremonial initiation into gay adulthood, a unique opportunity for participants to affirm their commitment to this role and bear witness to the community.

Four decades after the Stonewall rebellion in New York and three decades after Harvey Milk made history in San Francisco, today's gay generation is coming together to build on these legacies and redefine "Gay Liberation" for the twenty-first century. While struggles for equality in marriage continue, a "gay generation gap" has recently emerged around issues of HIV/AIDS prevention among youth. In response to these important social challenges, 100 Gay Men is presenting this major community gathering to foster expanded community engagement through inter-generational cooperation. This event builds on an ancient premise: "If tribal elders are lost, adults will be lost; and if tribal adults are lost, youth will be lost," as stated by long-time community activist and psychologist Dr. Don Kilhefner of the Gay Elder Circle.

Featured presenters include gay community leaders Rev. Dr. Neil Thomas,(Senior Pastor, Metropolitan Community Church, Los Angeles); Phill Wilson (Founder and CEO, The Black AIDS Institute Los Angeles); Carlos Sosa (Founder, C.I.T.Y.x1 LGBTQ Youth Group); Elton Naswood, (American Indian Community Council, Los Angeles and APLA's Red Circle Project); Larry Yang (Leadership/Core Meditation Teacher, East Bay Meditation Center, Oakland, California).The event will be moderated by Edward Hansen (former pastor of the Hollywood United Methodist Church) and Roberto Blain (Director of Talent Services, University of Southern California). In addition, the day's activities will be a performance featuring gay hip-hop recording artist Drew Mason.

100 Gay Men is a nonprofit organization located in Los Angeles, California consisting of gay men who have joined together to make a difference by supporting local service projects and grassroots community initiatives. Their mission is to harness the unique talents, resources and energies of adult gay men for the betterment and continuing evolution of diverse LGBT communities. 100 Gay Men's current community work involves providing support to a number of organizations, including Wellness Works (a nonprofit holistic health and education center that provides support and training programs for HIV-positive persons, veterans, and others in need) and Rise Up & Shout! (a nonprofit gay youth mentoring program and performance showcase).

This project is funded in part by a grant from the City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs.

Tickets for "The Gay Adult: Calling Ourselves Into Being - A Day of Inter-generational Dialogue" (which includes a catered lunch) may be purchased for $75 per person via

A scholarship program is available for those unable to purchase tickets, with a limited number of full and partial scholarships available on a first-come first-serve basis. For more information contact:

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